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Learn The Best Ways to Care For & Clean Hearing Aids

ReSound LiNX 3D 62 RIE lifestyle

Modern hearing aids really are marvels of technology and like all wonderful things, require some maintenance to maintain optimum performance. Repairs cannot only be expensive but down time without one, or both, of your hearing aids can be extremely frustrating. Surprisingly, the largest contributor to damage to hearing aids is ear wax which is slightly …

What Level Of Hearing Loss Requires A Hearing Aid?

The level of hearing loss that requires a hearing aid can vary depending on the person and their specific needs. However, in general, hearing aids are typically recommended for individuals with mild to severe hearing loss. Mild hearing loss refers to difficulty hearing soft sounds, while severe hearing loss means struggling to hear even loud …

How Hearing Aids Help Tinnitus

Behind the ear styletto

Living with the condition tinnitus can be both a physically and mentally draining experience, meaning if you have it, you could benefit from support and in particular, hearing aids as a partial solution to the symptoms. Hearing aids can help mask the symptoms of tinnitus by reintroducing sounds at the frequencies which have been lost. …

Why Choose us? NHS Hearing Aids vs Private Hearing Aids

At South East Hearing Care Centres we are well established as your premier independent, family run local hearing centre with clinics in Horsham, Chichester and Seaford. We are committed to patient care and to improving the standards of audiology by investing in the latest hearing aid technology. We are also executive members of the Association …

Summer Hearing Health Tips for Your Hearing Aids and You


With summertime upon us and sunny days, warm weather, school holidays and lots of time spent outside, we look forward to time off, maybe to foreign lands. But, for those of us with hearing aids, summer can present its own set of problems What are the challenges with hearing aids in summer? Swimming If the …

Charity Mission to Kenyan School for the Deaf

Outside school assembly

South East Hearing Care Centres managing director Rob Davies recently returned from another charity mission to the Reverend Muhoro School for the Deaf in the heart of rural Kenya. About the school Situated in the remote district of Mukurewe-ini among the foothills of Mount Kenya at an elevation of 1695 metres, the secondary school is …

NHS or Private? Deciding How to Get Your Hearing Aids

Prevent hearing loss

Hearing aids can make a big difference in the quality of life for people who have difficulties with their hearing. Deciding to get a hearing aid free from the NHS or pay to for them from a Private hearing care provider can be a difficult decision. The information below explains the difference options available between …

Glossary Of The Tests That May Be Required To Determine Hearing Level

person looking in mans ear

Please view our glossary of possible hearing tests that may be used to asess your level of hearing. These include: Pure tone Speech tests Tympanometry Video-otoscopy Test: Pure tone What is pure tone audiometry? Pure tone audiometry is a behavioural hearing test that is designed to measure the severity and balance (unilateral or bilateral) of …

How to clean your ears

Hearing aid fitting

For many people, earwax causes no issues but, for some people, earwax build-up can be a real problem. It can become so severe that it can even affect their hearing. Many people are tempted to use cotton buds to clear out problem ear wax, but this is not be the safest solution. Never use a …

How do hearing aids work?

A hearing aid is more than just an amplifier of sound. It’s a complicated and sophisticated communication device which can, quite literally, change people’s lives. While the benefits of hearing aids are widely recognised, the workings of them may be something of a mystery. What does a hearing aid do? In the most basic terms …